
Say a few words. ~ Rachel

A search for happiness is nothing but finding a home in a hearts of few so safe..that you cant help but keep trying to stay in. Hope yall still want in.

In a while,looking at a few old words you wrote once,
some being those, which makes you wonder how you wrote it,
unless you got that ardour , that small drug you were addicted with,that small shelter, that old family. Makes you silent.

In a while, now writing a few words. And that exhilation to share it,ain't the same. And you think about the old time.
Makes you silent again.
~ Manisha.

One day when I get superpowers (ahem), I'd ask you to hold my hands and I would make you see what I see. Feel, How I feel. I would want to have you look at the world, the stars, the moon, the ocean, the way I see them. And in that maelstrom of visions I would get to see the world in your image. Experience this sanctum through your eyes. And then when I write, that would be my greatest work ever. Because It would have been written by all of us and none of us. But I don't have superpowers, so lets make this place, the sanctum in my dream.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Permeable Ghost

July 4, 09 Empty words waver into songs, Into souls you don't care to feed, Cigarettes burn into tongues, And liquor is the eye to infinity. And only. And only because you want You want your words to be empty. Feel them and desire nothing, Permeable ghost, You can die but you don't die From the constant way you bleed, Beggar from the few, You feel your life is empty. -July 4, Rachel


  1. first, it seemed you were talking to the mirror...for some reason.
    then, it seemed as if you were talking to yourself...
    yes, there is a difference.

    on the fourth, i was watching fireworks light the sky, dancing to music that wasnt the best, surrounded by friends.
    inside, i think i was wondering exactly what your words are wondering.
    third person viewpoint. onto myself.

    if that makes sense.
    and yes, i did enjoy it.

  2. Ty Sharad :D

    Your words were like a poetic thought themselves. You brought a lot to light.
    I'd ponder it more, and it'd make more sense and confuse me more.
    For now, Thank you for the words and thoughts =]

  3. Okay i posted a comment i am sure,..but when i came back it wasnt there..so im reposting

    I loved this..... as a whole

    though the first and second didnt have any connection whatsoever in my head..in all their imperfections they seemed to fall into one another... Perfectly. :)

  4. Ty ty

    Love love love Shraddha. :)


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